April 10th, 2023  

Denfeld Nation Automation (DNA) Update for Worlds Fundraising Week Three

Greetings Sponsors,

As DNA’s third week of World’s fundraising begins, they have continued to raise money. Over the past week, they have reached 8,745 from their supportive community on their GiveMN, linked in the email. Over a hundred people have already given! DNA has reached out to businesses and had success in getting sponsorships, but still needs more help! DNA had fun  bagging groceries at Cub raising a total of $1,327 dollars! DNA is still accepting donations for their silent auction, and throughout the past week has been going to as many businesses as possible to ask for donations.

They are very excited to complete the 2023 competition season! In order to keep up with our progress, make sure to check out our social media sites.

Facebook- Denfeld Nation Automation 4009

Website- https://denfeldrobotics4009.org/

Instagram- @dna4009

Thank you again for your support this year! Mark your calendars to see us at the World’s Competition on April 20th through April 22nd  in Houston, Texas.