Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters of DNA Robotics,

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for everything you do for our team.  Without your support we would not be able to do many of the great things our robotics program has been able to accomplish, or touch the lives of students in such a meaningful and impactful way.

I am writing to inform you that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have cancelled our team’s Annual Dinner & Silent Auction that was to take place next Friday.  This is usually one of our team’s biggest fundraisers, and goes a long way to help our students meet their budget each year.  We would like to thank everyone who has worked to help plan the event, and to the many local businesses and people who generously donated items for our silent auction.  We plan to include most of these donated items in next year’s silent auction event.  For items that expire or cannot be saved that long, we will probably hold an online auction at some point this summer, after our robotics team is able to start meeting again.

We will get through this together.  We wish you all the best.  Stay strong, stay safe, and stay healthy.